I had hoped that after the house build and completing my C&G that I could throw myself whole heartedly into my creative work, but sometimes life throws you a curve ball and all plans are thrown out the window. Last October we were struck with the news that my mum has cancer, and life as we know it hasn't been the same since. As hard as you try your mind is always elsewhere and priorities change. I've tried to read blogs and keep up, but sometimes even that has been too hard, and writing my own blog has been near impossible. However, I'm trying to take a deep breath and keep normality in my life and so today I have decided to get back on the band wagon and reconnect with the outside world, I hope you haven't forgotten me.
After long days at the hospital the evenings were difficult, it was hard to settle and relax, so I turned to what always helps me .. my stitching. I started stitching quotes about a mothers love which in turn evolved into a rug quilt for mum's birthday. It was a way of showing my mum how much she means to me and she now keeps the quilt near her at all times, as she knows its full of love and comfort from me.
Above is the finished quilt, and below are some of the quotes.
So not only is the quilt a comfort to mum, but was a comfort to me in stitching and creating it. Such is the joy of something hand made.